Part 95: 12/05/09 - 12/10/09
So, December's a very slow starting month. We're gonna be blowing through a lot of days in rapid succession here, and not for the normal reasons.
Changing Seasons (Reincarnation) /
Listening: No, I didn't! What happened to him?
Gossiping: His parents got transferred again, so he won't be around anymore.
Listening: So that's why I didn't see him... I wasn't expecting that!
> The first bell has rung.
Yeah, so, Ryoji was around for less than a month and has left again until New Year's Eve it seems. He even "transferred" out of Gekkoukan, so we won't be seeing him at school again.

Not much else to do today, though, so here's a better look at that symbol from before. It's very clear that it's just the word NYX written in a semi-fancy way.

Also we're a week out from exams, so we'll be spending A LOT of time with Mamoru, it seems like.
Iwatodai Dorm



Never mind. There's no point in asking someone else...
What a worthwhile conversation. Thanks, Mitsuru.

They didn't believe the world was worth saving...

What destroyed their hope for the future...?

She seemed to know there was something wrong...

But, I just couldn't tell her that the world is going to end soon...

What should I do...?

It's probably all because of my dad, huh...?

I'm going to fight against the Fall, just like my dad did...
Newscaster: The yen is now 115.6 to the dollar, a 0.13 change from last time. The spread of Apathy Syndrome is affecting the economy of the...
Its nice to have some kind of sense of normalcy from general affairs, right now.

That's in short supply as of late for obvious reasons.

Tanaka's still ripping us off hard here. He's selling a Brand Bag for 20k and throwing in a whole 1 Chewing Soul as a bonus.
It's so not worth it. You can get Chewing Souls from the Antiques Store... or from item briefcases in Tartarus. Dangit, Tanaka. You used to be worth money!

Oh and up on the second floor, the girls are hanging out.

It reminds me a little of what Ryoji-kun was talking about...

So, they must've known something about the Fall...

It gives me a bad feeling, though...

It feels like we're being laughed at...

...I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about that.

Let's just concentrate on Nyx for now.

...but they don't know exactly how long it will take.

I see...

She was seriously damaged... So, I'm relieved to hear that.

Yeah... I hope she can come back soon.

He seemed the most upset about the world coming to an end.

Worrying about him won't change anything, though...


Right. He doesn't look forward to the Fall, either.

I'm sure he wants the same thing we do...
And Ken's the only one downstairs. Akihiko and Junpei are both out somewhere else right now.

There must be something we can do...

We're taking a week off of Akinari so that we can, hopefully, smash through the rest of Mamoru's link in one fell swoop.
There's some stuff before this phone call, but its just 3 worthless choices of "do we wait for Mamoru or faff around doing nothing of note." Skipping that!

Sorry man, I don't think I can meet up with you today.

Hey, no problem.

I just feel bad, since I'm the one who asked you to hang out...
> Mamoru seems relieved.

But actually, my mother passed out...

We're at the hospital now.

...This is my fault!

But it's true! Look at all the trouble I cause her...
> Mamoru seems upset.


Dammit! Why can't I do anything!?

...Look, I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean to cause even more trouble.

But, at least you answered your phone.

Talking kinda helped. A little.
I know I don't normally do these, but... just look at that. That is real.
> You turned off the phone.
> It's getting dark out, so you decided to return to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

Sorry, I was just daydreaming.

I was thinking about what Shinji would say if I met him in Heaven.

Are you scared of death?

No, not really...

It takes a long time for me to register fear...

But, even though I've experienced losing someone before, that always hurts...

What the hell's wrong with him...?

Dammit! This isn't funny!

This is the first time I've ever felt like this...
I see that Featherman R's denouement is going to be similar to Samurai Flamenco's, eh? That's fair, since Flamenco was kinda awesome and really clever about how it handled stuff.

But there's nothing else to do on Sunday, so we'll just head to bed ready for... the week before exams. Urgh.
An Unpleasant Premonition

Things have been pretty crazy lately, huh... No one's in the mood to talk, either.

Cheer up.


I suppose that's best.
Changing Seasons (Reincarnation) /

It's almost the end of the year... Let's not ruin our last month of the year together with laziness, okay?

Remember, there's an exam next week. Though didn't you guys just have exams...? Time flies.
It really does feel like it, yeah, but it was quite a while ago in practice.

The material on the exam begins on page 160, and will include what we go over in today's lesson.

Which is... the definition of allotropy.

...Get it? I bet there's at least one allotrope you guys are familiar with.

Let's see if you know what I'm talking about, Makoto.

Which allotrope is formed by three oxygen atoms?


Wow, good job. I'm sure you'll do fine on the exam.

Every living being needs oxygen to survive.

And everything on the planet needs ozone, too.

Due to the environmental destruction, there's less and less ozone...

I probably have nothing to worry about, but you guys might.

So watch out, okay?
Since we're NOW officially at the last stretch before exams, we're into the period where the (very few) school links become unavailable. This is annoying, but managable. We've only got Mamoru and Nozomi left available for the week...

So, we'll keep up with Mamoru so as to get it finished ASAP like I mentioned before. Yes, he's duller than dirt, I understand. It's worth ripping that bandage off, though.

I don't mind.

I needed to speak with you someplace quiet...

I just left from the hospital.

I still have to pick my sister up from preschool, go shopping, cook dinner, do the laundry...

I've got so much I have to do.

Yeah, that's tough.

It sure is, but I can handle it.

This is the kind of stuff Mom had to do every single day.
> Mamoru seems distant.

I'm gonna have to skip out on the Kendo Team. Just don't have the time.

Even with the scholarship, I don't think we can afford college.

I mean, what about living expenses? My family can't even pay their own...

...I'm gonna have to support them.

I don't have any choice but to give up on the Kendo Team...

Damn! I wish Dad were still alive!

Well do something about it.

I can't help it! There's nothing I can do...
> Mamoru seems pretty upset.
I really think he got the wrong end of the stick here...

...Is it really gonna end like this?

Don't give up!

You're right... I've come too far to give up now!
> Mamoru is pondering something.

I'm going to take part in the meet!

I devoted a lot of my life to the Kendo Team.

I'm going to take all that experience, apply what I learned, and achieve victory!

I'm glad we could talk. I feel a lot better about things now.

Thanks to you, I have a goal to aim for.

Thanks, man!
> You helped Mamoru figure things out.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> You decided to return to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

Try to cheer up.


Oh, you're welcome...


Sorry, I guess I'm the one who's the most confused...
At least Fuuka here never went "oh it's just you" which is nice and appropriate.

Could you ever have imagined that we'd be in this situation?

Never in a million years.

Neither could I.

However, know that it is happening. We must decide what we are going to do about it. I don't have to think about what's going to happen.

Yes, I have.

...Me too. It's not an easy decision to make.

They think everything's normal...

I envy them...

Ignorance is bliss, huh?
Most 11 year olds don't generally get told by the harbinger of the end times that the world's gonna end in a couple months, yeah.

This is probably what Chidori meant when she said she was afraid...

Now, I finally understand...

But without a future... I can't make a training schedule.

Dammit... I don't know what to do.
Newscaster: Clothes mavens say you won't be able to survive the winter without this cashmere...
There's something really nice about this stretch having the dissonance between the sombre reality of the end of the month and what everyone else cares about.

I dunno, I think it's kinda clever and it works for me.
An Unpleasant Premonition

Yes, I have.

You're so brave, Makoto-kun. But, I'm scared...

Even Ken-kun is down... What are we going to do...?
It's honestly pretty obvious, if you think about it.

We're going to hang out with Mamoru again. I already told you that!

Should I bring some home? I'll have to pay for it if I do...


You should get some more.

I'll do it! I hate being the only one who gets to eat.

Oh, by the way, about my mom...

She gets to come home from the hospital soon!

...Hopefully I can help her a bit more, since I finally got the hang of taking care of everyone.

One of 'em offered to pick up my sis from preschool.

Everybody's been worried about me.

...I mean, I thought I was the only one who cared, and I ended up ignoring everyone else there.

...And after all that, it was probably my fault nobody seemed focused on winning.

Don't worry about it.

Ha ha. Believe it or not, that is kind of a relief.

I feel better about everything, now that I know how people really feel about the club and everything.

This is just great. I mean, I already totally loved it.

Oops, guess I kind of started rambling there...

I gotta run. Later, Makoto.

I can focus on training again cuz you've got my back! So thanks, buddy.
> Mamoru seems to feel better about things now.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> Mamoru jogged off.
> You decided to get back to the dorm.
It's amazing how this link is 8 ranks deep and its still just spinning its wheels, trying so hard to not try and be anything.
Newscaster: The Apathy Syndrome epidemic has also hit the fisherman populations, and...
And for once, we've got nothing really new in the dorm.

So we'll just skip ahead another day, I suppose.
An Unpleasant Premonition

We have so much to worry about, but we're still going to school as if nothing's changed...


But, we'll have to make up our minds sooner or later.

Otherwise, it'll be too late.
Changing Seasons (Reincarnation) /
It sure feels like we've had less classroom segments in general lately, but even this week has been fairly light on 'em. There's usually a few in the immediate leadup to exams but not this time.

When I say "electromagnetism," Lorentz Force and Fleming's left-hand rule should immediately come to mind.

I won't be giving partial credit if you write "right-hand rule," got it? Okay, let's move on.

Sorry, what?

...Are you asking me if there's any tricks to getting smarter?

Honestly... how could you not know that?

Write this down, 'cause I'm about to erase it! Come on!
It's really kinda obvious what's the important info here and all. There's nothing much else to it, really. Could've taken the free nap here, even.

Yeah, he is.

Yeah... I thought he was moving kind of funny...
This little plot-thread's slowly moving along still as well. They're up on the school roof now.

The first thing I do when I get to school is look for her...

Then, when I finally find her, I get butterflies in my stomach...

What should I do...? What should I do...?
Try being less of a creep. Significantly less of one.

We'll keep today's free time segment with the consistent pattern of hanging out with Mamoru. Nothing else to it this time around, though. A necessary evil, unfortunately.
Iwatodai Dorm

I couldn't sleep for three days after that.

Do you think it's weird for me to be this scared?

Nah, everyone's scared.

...Yeah, I guess you're right.

You don't really know how much you take your life for granted...

...until there's a possibility you might lose it.

It's difficult to explain...
It's an odd thing when you consider that possibility is always there, but it's only when it's actively brought to your conscious that it feels real.

Shame that there's nothing else to do tonight, though. Even the telly had nothing.
An Unpleasant Premonition

Every single night. Including talking to you. I've been doing it since April!

I see... Well, I feel the same as the others.

We can't continue on like this... We should talk with everyone tonight.
Nothing else happens today, though, so we'll just skip right back to Mamoru. Again. Don't worry, it's nearly over now and we can get back to interesting people again!
...And Keisuke.

And you won?

What kind of question is that?

I got first place, of course!

Hip hip hooray.

Aw geez, who do you think I am? ...Well anyway, thanks.

This means my sports career might be over for real.

...Makes me feel a little empty, you know?

So what's next for you?

I'm thinking of finding a job, actually.

I'm going to earn enough money to support my family. I think that's my responsibility now...

...Got one picked out and everything! My father had connections at a car factory, so I'll apply there.
> Mamoru became silent.

Thing is, it's pretty far away.


Order extra noodles. Go on, it's on me.


Go on! Eat as much as you want!

You helped me realize a lot of stuff, y'know?

I always blamed school or my family for everything. I didn't want to face the fact that I was responsible...
"Jerk" really isn't the word I'd use, but sure okay I guess.

I won't forget you.
> Mamoru told you about his decision to move and find a job.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

We should grab a bite again after school soon. Who knows how many chances we're gonna have after this.

...Ramen's too good to pass up, right?
> You and Mamoru talked until the sun went down.

...You okay, Fuuka?

You just seem so calm...

We have to make a decision...

I mean, it's been such a drag around here lately, and no one will go to Tartarus...
Yeah, for what its worth, we have not been able to go to Tartarus since the full moon until today.

...You're right.

We humans are quite resilient. We can adapt to any situation, given enough time.


...Have you made your decision, Sanada-san?


But, I don't plan on running away.

So you're going to fight Nyx?

...I don't know. I mean, it's supposedly undefeatable.

What about you? What are your thoughts on it?

Honestly, this is the first time I've ever really contemplated my own death...

It's quite a sobering thought.

But either way, we still die. So, there is no simple answer.

Is that how you feel?

Well, I, um...

It's okay, Fuuka. I mean, it's not natural to choose how you're going to die...

What about you, Junpei? Have you decided?


What's the matter? Scared?

Junpei, I...

We're going to die! Of course I'm scared!

You all need to wake up! This is death we're talking about here!

Then, what do you want to do?

Do you want to kill him?

There's nothing I can do... He's the only one who can kill him.
Junpei. Hey, Junpei.
Fuck you. We're not doing this shit again.

You had that thing inside you and didn't even know it...

You raised it, dammit! This is all your fault!

So you should do something about it! You're supposed to be "special," right!?

I won't run away.

Stop it, Junpei! It's not his fault...

I know that, dammit! But...

Personally, I don't want to forget everything.

I've learned so much since coming here.

I've never really talked about this before, but...

He started drinking after he was tricked into investing his life savings in some telemarketing scam.

He drank until he passed out, so he didn't have to face reality... And I hated him for it...

Everything seems hopeless... I'm so scared!

I know how you feel, Junpei-kun. I'm scared too.

Yeah, we're all scared.


I... I can't stop shaking.

Me either...


Ryoji said he'll be back on New Year's Eve, so we still have some time to think about it.

...So until then, let's just try to live our lives as normally as possible.
Iwatodai Dorm

But I was wrong...

And if we kill him, we will lose all our memories...
Obviously, she's on about Ryoji but like... what? This really feels like it should've been several days ago at this point. Or maybe not even then. She only just recently knew that Ryoji was even remotely connected to the Fall and learned at the same time that this was wrong.

I wonder what he's doing now...

I wonder if he's still crying...

You know, about how Ryoji-kun was inside you...

You're still you. The same person now as you were before.


He was at that shrine all by himself.

...I don't want to live in the past anymore.

Shinjiro-san let me live for a purpose...

I thought my dad was a loser, but now I know how he felt...

Dude, this totally sucks...
One of my off-site friends aptly summed up Junpei's constant flip-flopping as he "will be dragged into his character development, kicking and screaming." It sums it up pretty well, really, and makes him seem like a realistic teenager in a way.

He'd probably fight against the end of the world with all he had...

Yeah, that's what he would do.
Nice to see Lisa again. Feels like its been forever since we last saw her here.

"Aiyah" is a very common word. It means "No way!"

That's all for this week! Don't let the cold and the Apathy Syndrome get you! Back to the news!
It's been a long while and we just now regained the opportunity, so...

...Let's go back to Tartarus. Got the second half of Harabah to smash through and definitely for-realsies finish Tartarus off entirely now. Yukari's a level away from Garudyne and she's so close to it, that she'll definitely get it and become kinda useful again for a bit. Hurray! Shame that she needs to give up her accessory slot for either the Boost or the Amp, so its not as good as it could be. Still, that Magic means it should be pretty decent...

Junpei's a little on the boring side, but he's functional enough and he'll be hard-pressed to be completely useless. Marakukaja's decent, Blade of Fury give him AoE, Gigantic Fist is pretty okay Strike etc. etc.

Being two levels away from Marakunda is a bit of a bad thing, I'll grant you, but its not super implausible that Akihiko'll pick it up. Provided that Tartarus doesn't deviate from its own pattern the next boss SHOULD be three dudes at once.

Mitsuru is still absurd. She still has the ability to drop Boost+Amp+Charge Bufudynes on fools and not give a shit. Being a level away from Diarahan is nice and all, but its the least relevant of her final four skills.

Koromaru's not gonna get anymore useful anytime soon, apparently. Its nice that he can drop Boost+Amp Agidynes, I guess, but he's nowhere near as impressive with it as anyone else (except Junpei who doesn't even really count).
But, yes, he's Koromaru.

Ken isn't a great pull, but he has his uses. That he has Mediarama means hes not complete dead weight if he cant help offensively, Hama Boosted Hamaons are nice but completely useless in practice, he CAN Boost+Amp that Ziodyne if really necessary but I sure wouldn't count on it overly much.
Regardless, its the same as usual albeit without Aigis because she's out for repairs and who knows when she's getting back.
Three slots to fill. Who's getting 'em?